Top 10 Barcode Families
Family Species
Cyprinidae[ 186 ]
Serranidae[ 64 ]
Gobiidae[ 61 ]
Labridae[ 58 ]
Carangidae[ 57 ]
Pomacentridae[ 48 ]
Lutjanidae[ 45 ]
Sisoridae[ 39 ]
Blenniidae[ 34 ]
Bagridae[ 32 ]
Top 10 Fish Barcode Records
Species Specimen
Prionace glauca [ 674]
Thunnus albacares [ 447]
Mugil cephalus [ 444]
Metazoa environmental sample [ 401]
Sphyrna lewini [ 396]
Channa striata [ 344]
Coryphaena hippurus [ 340]
Oncorhynchus mykiss [ 339]
Oreochromis niloticus [ 336]
Neotrygon kuhlii [ 330]
Divergences estimation
Species index
  A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M       N       O       P       Q       R       S       T       U       V       W       X       Y       Z     
Total species with name starting letter 'K' are 12

Select any one species to analyze genetic divergence with the respect of all other species
Kajikia audaxKali indicaKaralla dauraKaralla dussumieri
Katsuwonus pelamisKryptoglanis shajiiKuhlia mugilKuhlia rupestris
Kumococius rodericensisKyphosus bigibbusKyphosus cinerascensKyphosus vaigiensis