Top 10 Barcode Families
Family Species
Cyprinidae[ 186 ]
Serranidae[ 64 ]
Gobiidae[ 61 ]
Labridae[ 58 ]
Carangidae[ 57 ]
Pomacentridae[ 48 ]
Lutjanidae[ 45 ]
Sisoridae[ 39 ]
Blenniidae[ 34 ]
Bagridae[ 32 ]
Top 10 Fish Barcode Records
Species Specimen
Prionace glauca [ 674]
Thunnus albacares [ 447]
Mugil cephalus [ 444]
Metazoa environmental sample [ 401]
Sphyrna lewini [ 396]
Channa striata [ 344]
Coryphaena hippurus [ 340]
Oncorhynchus mykiss [ 339]
Oreochromis niloticus [ 336]
Neotrygon kuhlii [ 330]
Divergences estimation
Species index
  A       B       C       D       E       F       G       H       I       J       K       L       M       N       O       P       Q       R       S       T       U       V       W       X       Y       Z     
Total species with name starting letter 'G' are 111

Select any one species to analyze genetic divergence with the respect of all other species
Gagata ceniaGagata gagataGagata itchkeeaGagata sexualis
Galeocerdo cuvierGambusia affinisGambusia holbrookiGarra annandalei
Garra arupiGarra bicornutaGarra dampaensisGarra gotyla gotyla
Garra gotyla stenorhynchusGarra hughiGarra kempiGarra lamta
Garra lissorhynchusGarra litanensisGarra mcclellandiGarra mullya
Garra naganensisGarra nasutaGarra notataGarra paralissorhynchus
Garra surendranathaniiGazza achlamysGazza minutaGempylus serpens
Gerres erythrourusGerres filamentosusGerres infasciatusGerres limbatus
Gerres longirostrisGerres macracanthusGerres oblongusGerres oyena
Gerres setiferGiuris margaritaceaGlaucostegus granulatusGlaucostegus typus
Glossogobius giurisGlossogobius giuris giurisGlyphis gangeticusGlyptosternon reticulatum
Glyptothorax annandaleiGlyptothorax botiusGlyptothorax brevipinnisGlyptothorax cavia
Glyptothorax chimtuipuiensisGlyptothorax davissinghiGlyptothorax dorsalisGlyptothorax garhwali
Glyptothorax gracilisGlyptothorax granulusGlyptothorax indicusGlyptothorax lonah
Glyptothorax maceriatusGlyptothorax manipurensisGlyptothorax ngapangGlyptothorax pectinopterus
Glyptothorax platypogonidesGlyptothorax poonaensisGlyptothorax sinensisGlyptothorax striatus
Glyptothorax telchittaGlyptothorax trewavasaeGlyptothorax trilineatusGlyptothorax ventrolineatus
Gnathanodon speciosusGnathodentex aureolineatusGnatholepis cauerensisGobiodon citrinus
Gobiodon rivulatusGobiopterus chunoGogangra viridescensGomphosus caeruleus
Gomphosus variusGonialosa manminaGonostoma elongatumGrammatobothus polyophthalmus
Grammatorcynus bicarinatusGrammistes sexlineatusGrammoplites scaberGrammoplites suppositus
Gudusia chapraGymnapogon africanusGymnocaesio gymnopteraGymnocranius elongatus
Gymnocranius grandoculisGymnocranius griseusGymnomuraena zebraGymnosarda unicolor
Gymnothorax buroensisGymnothorax favagineusGymnothorax fimbriatusGymnothorax flavimarginatus
Gymnothorax hepaticusGymnothorax javanicusGymnothorax meleagrisGymnothorax pictus
Gymnothorax pseudothyrsoideusGymnothorax punctatusGymnothorax randalliGymnothorax reticularis
Gymnothorax richardsoniiGymnothorax thyrsoideusGymnothorax tileGymnothorax undulatus
Gymnura japonicaGymnura micruraGymnura poecilura