Top 10 Barcode Families
Family Species
Cyprinidae[ 186 ]
Serranidae[ 64 ]
Gobiidae[ 61 ]
Labridae[ 58 ]
Carangidae[ 57 ]
Pomacentridae[ 48 ]
Lutjanidae[ 45 ]
Sisoridae[ 39 ]
Blenniidae[ 34 ]
Bagridae[ 32 ]
Top 10 Fish Barcode Records
Species Specimen
Prionace glauca [ 674]
Thunnus albacares [ 447]
Mugil cephalus [ 444]
Metazoa environmental sample [ 400]
Sphyrna lewini [ 396]
Channa striata [ 344]
Coryphaena hippurus [ 340]
Oncorhynchus mykiss [ 339]
Oreochromis niloticus [ 336]
Neotrygon kuhlii [ 330]
Browse habitat records 
Saltwater and freshwater (69 species)
S.No. Species Common name family Habitat IUCN category Specimen
1Ambassis ambassisCommerson's glassy AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 8 ]
2Ambassis dussumieriMalabar glassy perchlet AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 7 ]
3Ambassis gymnocephalusBald glassy AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 3 ]
4Ambassis interruptaInterrupta glassy perchlet
Long-spined glass perchlet
AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 1 ]
5Ambassis miopsMyops glassy perchlet
Flag-tailed glass perchlet
AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 5 ]
6Ambassis naluaScalloped perchlet AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 7 ]
7Ambassis urotaeniaBanded-tail glassy perchlet
Banded-tail glassy perchlet
AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 3 ]
8Anguilla bengalensisIndian mottled eel AnguillidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNear Threatened (NT)[ 10 ]
9Anguilla bicolor bicolorIndonesian shortfin eel AnguillidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 1 ]
10Anguilla bicolor pacificaIgat
Indian short-finned eel
AnguillidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 20 ]
11Apocryptes bato-GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 4 ]
12Arius maculatusSpotted catfish AriidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 27 ]
13Arius subrostratusShovelnose sea catfish AriidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 25 ]
14Boleophthalmus boddartiBoddart's goggle-eyed goby GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 58 ]
15Boleophthalmus dussumieriMud skipper GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 12 ]
16Brachirus orientalisOriental sole SoleidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 10 ]
17Butis amboinensisOlive flathead-gudgeon EleotridaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 1 ]
18Carcharhinus leucasBullshark
Bull shark
CarcharhinidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 70 ]
19Carcharhinus melanopterusBlacktip reef shark CarcharhinidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 54 ]
20Chanos chanosMilkfish ChanidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 62 ]
21Coilia dussumieriGoldspotted grenadier anchovy EngraulidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 23 ]
22Coilia reynaldiReynald's grenadier anchovy EngraulidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 1 ]
23Corica sobornaCutwaal-alise
Ganges river sprat
ClupeidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 8 ]
24Dayella malabaricaNil
Day's round herring
ClupeidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 5 ]
25Dermogenys pusillaFreshwater halfbeak
Wrestling halfbeak
ZenarchopteridaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 18 ]
26Eleutheronema tetradactylumFourfinger threadfin PolynemidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 73 ]
27Favonigobius reicheiTropical sand goby
Indo-Pacific tropical sand goby
GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNear Threatened (NT)[ 6 ]
28Giuris margaritaceaAporos sleeper
Snakehead gudgeon
EleotridaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 28 ]
29Glossogobius giurisBalia
Tank goby
GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 219 ]
30Glyphis gangeticusMagar sora
Ganges shark
CarcharhinidaeSaltwater and freshwaterCritically Endangered (CR)[ 6 ]
31Gymnothorax tileFreshwater moray
Indian mud moray
MuraenidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 3 ]
32Hemigobius hoeveniiBanded mulletgoby GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 7 ]
33Hilsa keleeKelee shad ClupeidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 32 ]
34Himantura bleekeriBleeker's whipray DasyatidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 1 ]
35Himantura gerrardiSharpnose stingray DasyatidaeSaltwater and freshwaterVulnerable (VU) [ 44 ]
36Himantura imbricataScaly whipray DasyatidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 21 ]
37Himantura uarnakHoneycomb stingray DasyatidaeSaltwater and freshwaterVulnerable (VU) [ 59 ]
38Hippichthys penicillusBeady pipefish SyngnathidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 3 ]
39Hippocampus fuscusChilka seahorse
Sea pony
SyngnathidaeSaltwater and freshwaterData Deficient (DD)[ 10 ]
40Hyporhamphus limbatusCongaturi halfbeak HemiramphidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 13 ]
41Hyporhamphus xanthopterusRed-tipped halfbeak HemiramphidaeSaltwater and freshwaterVulnerable (VU) [ 4 ]
42Ichthyocampus carceFreshwater pipefish SyngnathidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 1 ]
43Karalla dussumieriDussumier's ponyfish LeiognathidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 4 ]
44Kuhlia mugilKattaphuli
Barred flagtail
KuhliidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 24 ]
45Kuhlia rupestrisRock flagtail KuhliidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 8 ]
46Liza macrolepisLargescale mullet MugilidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 48 ]
47Liza planicepsTade gray mullet MugilidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 4 ]
48Megalops cyprinoidesIndo-Pacific tarpon MegalopidaeSaltwater and freshwaterData Deficient (DD)[ 55 ]
49Microphis brachyurusShort-tailed pipefish
Short-tailed pipefish
SyngnathidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 2 ]
50Moolgarda cunnesiusLongarm mullet MugilidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 47 ]
51Mugil cephalusFlathead grey mullet MugilidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 444 ]
52Osteogeneiosus militarisSoldier catfish AriidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 11 ]
53Parambassis thomassiWestern Ghat glassy perchlet AmbassidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 1 ]
54Pastinachus sephenCowtail stingray DasyatidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 6 ]
55Pisodonophis boroRice-paddy eel OphichthidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 13 ]
56Pisodonophis cancrivorusLongfin snake-eel
Longfin snake-eel
OphichthidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 8 ]
57Plotosus caniusGray eel-catfish PlotosidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 50 ]
58Polynemus paradiseusParadise threadfin PolynemidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 24 ]
59Pristis pristisCommon sawfish PristidaeSaltwater and freshwaterCritically Endangered (CR)[ 15 ]
60Pseudapocryptes elongatus-GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 26 ]
61Pseudogobius javanicus-GobiidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 16 ]
62Scatophagus argusSpotted scat ScatophagidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 79 ]
63Scoliodon laticaudusSpadenose shark CarcharhinidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 25 ]
64Tenualosa ilishaHilsa shad ClupeidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 36 ]
65Tenualosa toliToli shad ClupeidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 17 ]
66Terapon jarbuaJarbua terapon TerapontidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 234 ]
67Toxotes chatareusSpotted archerfish
Spotted archerfish
ToxotidaeSaltwater and freshwaterNot Reported[ 2 ]
68Xenentodon cancilaKakila
Freshwater garfish
BelonidaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 58 ]
69Zenarchopterus disparFeathered river-garfish ZenarchopteridaeSaltwater and freshwaterLeast Concern (LC)[ 5 ]