About HRGFish
Hypoxia Responsive Gene in Fishes (HRGFish) is a repository of genes reported during hypoxia response in fishes and enables the users to browse the information and analyze the gene sequences. Additionally, it facilitates designing primers and provides a platform for upstream annotation of genes.
Information browser
HRGFish facilitates different option for browsing the gene information for the species of interest. The keyword search also enables to browse information by using key words like species scientific name, species common name full/partial, family, conservation status type, gene symbol, geneid and genomic accession etc.
Primer design
The implemented primer designing program enables to design primers for a defined region of genes and mRNA and upstream sequences.
Sequence similarity search
The HRGFish facilitates similarity searches for homology identification, multiple sequence alignment and specific alignment like mRNA to genomic alignment, CDS to genomic alignment and finding ORF.
Upstream Annotation
The conserved pattern among homologous upstream sequences in multiple sequence alignment provides information for annotation with reference to zebrafish promoters.
Description about analysis program
HRGFish integrates graphical description for handling different tools and programs, which can be invoked using 'About database' menu item. |