A database of hypoxia responsive genes in fishes
  Gene details for the gene Aldolase a, fructose-bisphosphate, a (Gene Id: 336425  Symbol: aldoaa)

Danio rerio     [Zebra danio, Zebrafish, Anju]     Family:Cyprinidae    Habitat: Freshwater    Conservation status (2015): Least Concern (LC)
Occurrence and distribution Native: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal
Introduced: Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, USA, Colombia, Martinique
Systematics Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Cyprinidae; Salmophasia.
Refseq information: 2
SNo. Status RNA nucleotide accession Protein accession Genomic nucleotide accession Start position on genomic DNA End position on genomic DNA Orientation Assembly Symbol UniProtkb ID
1 MODEL XM_005164116.4 XP_005164173.1 NC_007114.7 39566922 39577051  (10129) + Reference GRCz1 aldoaa Q803Q7
2 PROVISIONAL NM_194377.2 NP_919358.2 NC_007114.7 39566922 39577051  (10129) + Reference GRCz1 aldoaa Q803Q7
mRNA analysis Promoter analysis of gene: Primere design of mRNA:
Similarity search : Analysis of homologous transcript:
PubMed links
12477932 12486526 15520368 15533793 16109975 16132083 16379021 20528263 21555364 21873635 22181661 22566537 24123299 24476500 24611545 26469318 27189481 27292639 28062374 28252024 28934389 29351486 30031069 30157643 30692167 31868166 32033529 32446740
GO Term: 14
SNo.Reported in speceisEvidenceQualifierGO termCategory PubMed Link
1Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrsomitogenesisProcess22566537
2Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrthigmotaxisProcess22566537
3Danio rerioIEAenablescatalytic activityFunctionNot available
4Danio rerioIBAenablesfructose-bisphosphate aldolase activityFunction21873635
5Danio rerioIEAenablesfructose-bisphosphate aldolase activityFunctionNot available
6Danio rerioIBAis_active_cytosolComponent21873635
7Danio rerioIBAinvolved_iglycolytic processProcess21873635
8Danio rerioIEAacts_upstrglycolytic processProcessNot available
9Danio rerioIEAinvolved_iglycolytic processProcessNot available
10Danio rerioIMPacts_upstraxonogenesisProcess22566537
11Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrbrain developmentProcess22566537
12Danio rerioIEAenableslyase activityFunctionNot available
13Danio rerioIBAinvolved_ifructose 1,6-bisphosphate metabolic processProcess21873635
14Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrpigmentationProcess22566537

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