A database of hypoxia responsive genes in fishes
  Gene details for the gene Caspase 3, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase a (Gene Id: 140621  Symbol: casp3a)

Danio rerio     [Zebra danio, Zebrafish, Anju]     Family:Cyprinidae    Habitat: Freshwater    Conservation status (2015): Least Concern (LC)
Occurrence and distribution Native: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal
Introduced: Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, USA, Colombia, Martinique
Systematics Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Cyprinidae; Salmophasia.
Refseq information: 2
SNo. Status RNA nucleotide accession Protein accession Genomic nucleotide accession Start position on genomic DNA End position on genomic DNA Orientation Assembly Symbol UniProtkb ID
1 PROVISIONAL NM_131877.3 NP_571952.1 NC_007112.7 17527377 17536306  (8929) + Reference GRCz1 casp3a Q98UI8
2 PROVISIONAL NM_131877.3 NP_571952.1 NW_018394470.1 350768 359697  (8929) + Reference GRCz1 casp3a Q98UI8
mRNA analysis Promoter analysis of gene: Primere design of mRNA:
Similarity search : Analysis of homologous transcript:
PubMed links
12477932 15454265 15650063 16339308 16456712 16769228 16784739 16888647 17643392 17703193 18080784 18514183 18515717 19265122 19356805 19709642 19958554 20047468 20965546 21145318 21316461 21873635 22213104 22407967 22956347 22983774 22988238 22995533 23195281 23261506 23300892 23661550 23670400 23921180 24177009 24295853 24385488 24564619 24920039 24926785 25188630 25262018 25304545 25588674 25621397 25833742 25863881 26055223 26161812 26291761 26316448 26318124 26347317 26584608 26674644 26690195 26780700 26908177 26911650 27031046 27050765 27219292 27288846 27428998 27471679 27521797 27577093 27697757 27837686 27924917 27974833 28083739 28129952 28159303 28223109 28236482 28257922 28267650 28288352 28315003 28366952 28402832 28415697 28450151 28455493 28618356 28695384 28716577 28849488 28856758 28915543 28948416 29031050 29100808 29144200 29149642 29229770 29304412 29316522 29408375 29414352 29477917 29529468 29547861 29554508 29631138 29641891 29679867 29757947 29791492 29803881 29807032 29867554 29928899 30004691 30031347 30059920 30277848 30290360 30308910 30399559 30459392 30459614 30528700 30553212 30588557 30613898 30618751 30639578 30684774 30771440 30802654 30831495 30858204 30906313 30928664 30928742 31004821 31132538 31132752 31136875 31154177 31154201 31272786 31321794 31355732 31386694 31387182 31446160 31470984 31492028 31541821 31563099 31590028 31652602 31669651 31702067 31702913 31712185 31767327 31786342 31786445 31787402 31787979 31806011 31820072 31827208 31936539 31942721 31993854 32004883 32054343 32111733 32114242 32116709 32169642 32169726 32208287 32222764 32240749 32247151 32289526 32305822 32321550 32325182 32344037 32372324 32387829 32408210 32446185 32450357 32473435 32474209 32504889 32570707 32668288 32776944 32818607 33022287 33049273
GO Term: 24
SNo.Reported in speceisEvidenceQualifierGO termCategory PubMed Link
1Danio rerioIEAenablescysteine-type endopeptidase activityFunctionNot available
2Danio rerioIBAis_active_cytoplasmComponent21873635
3Danio rerioIEAlocated_incytoplasmComponentNot available
4Danio rerioIEAacts_upstrproteolysisProcessNot available
5Danio rerioIBAinvolved_iapoptotic processProcess21873635
6Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrapoptotic processProcessNot available
7Danio rerioIEAacts_upstrapoptotic processProcessNot available
8Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrapoptotic processProcess18515717
9Danio rerioIDAenablespeptidase activityFunction17643392
10Danio rerioIEAenablespeptidase activityFunctionNot available
11Danio rerioIMPenablespeptidase activityFunction18515717
12Danio rerioIEAenablescysteine-type peptidase activityFunctionNot available
13Danio rerioIEAenableshydrolase activityFunctionNot available
14Danio rerioIBAinvolved_ineuron differentiationProcess21873635
15Danio rerioIBAinvolved_ikeratinocyte differentiationProcess21873635
16Danio rerioIBAinvolved_ierythrocyte differentiationProcess21873635
17Danio rerioIBAinvolved_ipositive regulation of apoptotic processProcess21873635
18Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrpositive regulation of apoptotic processProcess16888647
19Danio rerioIGIacts_upstrregulation of collateral sprouting in absence of injuryProcess24385488
20Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrregulation of collateral sprouting in absence of injuryProcess24385488
21Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrcellular response to antibioticProcess16769228
22Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrcellular response to retinoic acidProcess16769228
23Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrcellular response to xenobiotic stimulusProcess16769228
24Danio rerioIBAenablescysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic processFunction21873635

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