A database of hypoxia responsive genes in fishes
  Gene details for the gene Myoglobin (Gene Id: 104966781  Symbol: mb)

Notothenia coriiceps     [Black rockcod, Bullhead notothen]     Family:Nototheniidae    Habitat: Saltwater    Conservation status (2015): -
Occurrence and distribution :
Systematics Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Neoteleostei; Acanthomorphata; Eupercaria; Perciformes; Notothenioidei; Nototheniidae.
Refseq information: 2
SNo. Status RNA nucleotide accession Protein accession Genomic nucleotide accession Start position on genomic DNA End position on genomic DNA Orientation Assembly Symbol UniProtkb ID
1 MODEL XM_010796067.1 XP_010794369.1 NW_011369951.1 6210988 6212181  (1193) + Reference NC01 mb -
2 PROVISIONAL NM_001303294.1 NP_001290223.1 - 0 0  (0) ? - mb -
mRNA analysis Promoter analysis of gene: Primere design of mRNA:
Similarity search : Analysis of homologous transcript:
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