A database of hypoxia responsive genes in fishes
  Gene details for the gene Erythropoietin a (Gene Id: 100004455  Symbol: epoa)

Danio rerio     [Zebra danio, Zebrafish, Anju]     Family:Cyprinidae    Habitat: Freshwater    Conservation status (2015): Least Concern (LC)
Occurrence and distribution Native: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal
Introduced: Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, USA, Colombia, Martinique
Systematics Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Cyprinidae; Salmophasia.
Refseq information: 3
SNo. Status RNA nucleotide accession Protein accession Genomic nucleotide accession Start position on genomic DNA End position on genomic DNA Orientation Assembly Symbol UniProtkb ID
1 PROVISIONAL NM_001038009.2 NP_001033098.1 NC_007118.7 21891251 21918392  (27141) - Reference GRCz1 epoa B1N8Y1
2 PROVISIONAL NM_001115127.1 NP_001108599.1 NC_007118.7 21891251 21918392  (27141) - Reference GRCz1 epoa B1N8Y1
3 PROVISIONAL NM_001115128.1 NP_001108600.1 NC_007118.7 21891251 21918392  (27141) - Reference GRCz1 epoa B1N8Y1
mRNA analysis Promoter analysis of gene: Primere design of mRNA:
Similarity search : Analysis of homologous transcript:
PubMed links
12477932 16966387 17579187 17706649 19304954 19584002 19772888 20100463 20571107 20694827 20952382 21343420 21415264 21798198 21873635 23341543 23341992 23421720 24055561 24568569 24835394 24850928 24869937 25000307 25281506 25333966 25866969 26361727 26391449 26469318 26681691 26908177 27189481 27402973 27993976 28300168 28851829 29035725 29203238 29203887 31070548 31325771 31451030 31501519 31578390 32446740 33037038
GO Term: 14
SNo.Reported in speceisEvidenceQualifierGO termCategory PubMed Link
1Danio rerioIBAenablescytokine activityFunction21873635
2Danio rerioIEAenableserythropoietin receptor bindingFunctionNot available
3Danio rerioIEAenableshormone activityFunctionNot available
4Danio rerioIEAlocated_inextracellular regionComponentNot available
5Danio rerioIBAis_active_extracellular spaceComponent21873635
6Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrresponse to activityProcess16966387
7Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrhemopoiesisProcess17579187
8Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrhemopoiesisProcess17706649
9Danio rerioIEAacts_upstrerythrocyte maturationProcessNot available
10Danio rerioIEAinvolved_ierythrocyte maturationProcessNot available
11Danio rerioIDAlocated_inperinuclear region of cytoplasmComponent17706649
12Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrpronephros developmentProcess29203238
13Danio rerioIBAinvolved_inucleate erythrocyte developmentProcess21873635
14Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrnucleate erythrocyte developmentProcess24869937

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