Welcome to the World of Cytogenetic Knowledge Foundation of Fish Genetic Resources
Fish Karyome, a relational database of cytogenetic information on fish and other aquatic organisms provides information on chromosome number, morphology, sex chromosomes, karyotype formula and cytogenetic markers etc. The database also provides phenotypic information viz. scientific name, taxonomic details, importance and IUCN conservation status. Images of  organisms, chromosomes and karyotypes enhance the scope and utility of the database. Fish Karyome has applications in species characterization, sex determination, chromosomal mapping, karyo-evolution and systematics.
Current Status:
Species: 1362 Family: 210 Order: 58 Specimen records: 1706 Last update: 2025-01-31
Citing Fish Karyome:
Fish Karyome in a nutshell
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Version 1.0: April 27, 2012.
Version 2.0: July 02, 2014.
Version 2.1: Dec. 12, 2014.
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Copyright © 2014 ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow.
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