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  Query: Serranus notospilus | NC_083052 | GI: NC_083052.1    Length:16614 (1..16614) 
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 Note: Click upon any displayed species to view the sequence alignment with query
S.No. Species Family Matches Identity Gaps Scores E-value Accession No.
1 Serranus notospilus Serranidae 16614 100% 0 30681 bits (16614) 0.0 NC_083052
2 Hypoplectrus puella Serranidae 2502 87% 56 3173 bits (1718) 0.0 NC_083075
3 Hypoplectrus unicolor Serranidae 2498 87% 50 3168 bits (1715) 0.0 NC_083074
4 Hypoplectrus floridae Serranidae 2495 87% 50 3151 bits (1706) 0.0 NC_083076
5 Hypoplectrus gemma Serranidae 2493 87% 50 3140 bits (1700) 0.0 NC_013832
6 Acanthocybium solandri Scombridae 330 86% 9 398 bits (215) 1e-108 NC_067731
7 Pontinus rathbuni Scorpaenidae 213 89% 6 292 bits (158) 7e-77 NC_083042
8 Lutjanus erythropterus Lutjanidae 170 89% 2 239 bits (129) 9e-61 GQ265897
9 Ambloplites rupestris Centrarchidae 151 91% 2 222 bits (120) 1e-55 NC_035659
10 Cheilodipterus quinquelineatus Apogonidae 124 93% 0 193 bits (104) 7e-47 NC_040863
11 Lepidotrigla kishinouyi Triglidae 121 90% 0 176 bits (95) 8e-42 NC_085273
12 Hexagrammos otakii Hexagrammidae 118 88% 0 159 bits (86) 8e-37 NC_028630
13 Hemitripterus villosus Hemitripteridae 118 88% 0 159 bits (86) 8e-37 NC_046471
14 Siganus fuscescens Siganidae 117 86% 5 141 bits (76) 3e-31 NC_009572
15 Gymnocanthus detrisus Cottidae 117 87% 0 154 bits (83) 4e-35 NC_082787
16 Cephalopholis fulva Serranidae 117 87% 1 152 bits (82) 1e-34 NC_087987
17 Dasycottus setiger Psychrolutidae 116 89% 0 163 bits (88) 6e-38 NC_058017
18 Ulcina olrikii Agonidae 116 87% 1 147 bits (79) 6e-33 NC_027600
19 Chiasmodon niger Chiasmodontidae 115 85% 3 135 bits (73) 1e-29 NC_070071
20 Arctoscopus japonicus Trichodontidae 115 85% 2 137 bits (74) 4e-30 NC_002812
21 Macrorhamphosodes uradoi Triacanthodidae 114 85% 1 135 bits (73) 1e-29 NC_009860
22 Anoplocapros lenticularis Aracanidae 111 86% 0 139 bits (75) 1e-30 NC_011319
23 Bathyagonus infraspinatus Agonidae 110 85% 4 130 bits (70) 6e-28 NC_082773
24 Anarrhichthys ocellatus Anarhichadidae 103 87% 1 130 bits (70) 6e-28 NC_044782
25 Cottus poecilopus Cottidae 69 96% 0 117 bits (63) 5e-24 NC_014849

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