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  Query: Sebastes paucispinis | NC_082779 | GI: NC_082779.1    Length:17325 (1..17325) 
  Selected Species Start   End  
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 Note: Click upon any displayed species to view the sequence alignment with query
S.No. Species Family Matches Identity Gaps Scores E-value Accession No.
1 Sebastes paucispinis Sebastidae 17325 100% 0 31994 bits (17325) 0.0 NC_082779
2 Sebastes mystinus Sebastidae 16418 95% 26 26871 bits (14551) 0.0 NC_082760
3 Sebastes melanostomus Sebastidae 16349 94% 31 26461 bits (14329) 0.0 NC_082790
4 Sebastes elongatus Sebastidae 16324 94% 29 26347 bits (14267) 0.0 NC_082818
5 Sebastes nebulosus Sebastidae 16311 94% 42 26282 bits (14232) 0.0 NC_082756
6 Sebastes variegatus Sebastidae 16302 94% 25 26229 bits (14203) 0.0 NC_082788
7 Sebastes emphaeus Sebastidae 16290 94% 26 26158 bits (14165) 0.0 NC_082816
8 Sebastes brevispinis Sebastidae 16268 94% 29 26037 bits (14099) 0.0 NC_082776
9 Sebastes alutus Sebastidae 16267 94% 22 26049 bits (14106) 0.0 NC_082757
10 Sebastes babcocki Sebastidae 16180 95% 19 26592 bits (14400) 0.0 NC_085187
11 Sebastes entomelas Sebastidae 16178 95% 18 26583 bits (14395) 0.0 NC_082761
12 Sebastes reedi Sebastidae 16176 94% 22 26107 bits (14137) 0.0 NC_082802
13 Sebastes crameri Sebastidae 16168 94% 23 26061 bits (14112) 0.0 NC_082778
14 Sebastes helvomaculatus Sebastidae 16165 95% 23 26498 bits (14349) 0.0 NC_082775
15 Sebastes rosenblatti Sebastidae 16143 95% 34 26349 bits (14268) 0.0 NC_082792
16 Sebastes flavidus Sebastidae 16123 94% 33 26238 bits (14208) 0.0 NC_082767
17 Sebastes miniatus Sebastidae 16115 94% 22 26230 bits (14204) 0.0 NC_082765
18 Sebastes constellatus Sebastidae 16111 94% 23 26199 bits (14187) 0.0 NC_082758
19 Sebastes auriculatus Sebastidae 16101 94% 36 26144 bits (14157) 0.0 NC_082772
20 Sebastes goodei Sebastidae 16095 94% 24 26125 bits (14147) 0.0 NC_082764
21 Sebastes pinniger Sebastidae 16083 94% 49 26049 bits (14106) 0.0 NC_082766
22 Sebastes zacentrus Sebastidae 16069 94% 22 25968 bits (14062) 0.0 NC_082763
23 Sebastes rosaceus Sebastidae 15891 95% 36 25963 bits (14059) 0.0 NC_082791
24 Sebastes nigrocinctus Sebastidae 15844 95% 12 26123 bits (14146) 0.0 NC_039778
25 Sebastes rubrivinctus Sebastidae 15817 95% 14 25968 bits (14062) 0.0 NC_039777

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