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  Query: Squatina aculeata | NC_063620 | GI: NC_063620.1    Length:16684 (1..16684) 
  Selected Species Start   End  
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 Note: Click upon any displayed species to view the sequence alignment with query
S.No. Species Family Matches Identity Gaps Scores E-value Accession No.
1 Squatina aculeata Squatinidae 16684 100% 0 30810 bits (16684) 0.0 NC_063620
2 Squatina squatina Squatinidae 15611 93% 29 24775 bits (13416) 0.0 NC_035057
3 Squatina formosa Squatinidae 15518 93% 26 24267 bits (13141) 0.0 NC_025328
4 Squatina oculata Squatinidae 15411 92% 33 23656 bits (12810) 0.0 NC_063621
5 Squatina nebulosa Squatinidae 15385 92% 46 23460 bits (12704) 0.0 NC_025578
6 Squatina japonica Squatinidae 15307 92% 45 23047 bits (12480) 0.0 NC_024276
7 Squatina dumeril Squatinidae 15172 91% 50 22280 bits (12065) 0.0 NC_048468
8 Squatina tergocellatoides Squatinidae 13114 92% 36 19859 bits (10754) 0.0 NC_064111
9 Scyliorhinus canicula Scyliorhinidae 2446 86% 64 2944 bits (1594) 0.0 NC_001950
10 Gasterosteus aculeatus Gasterosteidae 287 86% 11 346 bits (187) 6e-93 NC_003174
11 Variola louti Serranidae 286 86% 9 346 bits (187) 6e-93 NC_022138
12 Tridentiger brevispinis Gobiidae 286 85% 16 333 bits (180) 4e-89 NC_063947
13 Tridentiger obscurus Gobiidae 286 85% 16 333 bits (180) 4e-89 NC_028431
14 Gasterosteus wheatlandi Gasterosteidae 285 86% 9 340 bits (184) 3e-91 NC_011570
15 Denticeps clupeoides Denticipitidae 284 86% 13 339 bits (183) 9e-91 NC_007889
16 Astronotus ocellatus Cichlidae 283 86% 11 342 bits (185) 7e-92 NC_009058
17 Pristolepis rubripinnis Pristolepididae 282 86% 10 346 bits (187) 6e-93 NC_044771
18 Opisthonema oglinum Clupeidae 279 86% 11 335 bits (181) 1e-89 NC_082745
19 Chaetodon vagabundus Chaetodontidae 279 86% 11 331 bits (179) 2e-88 NC_084409
20 Myersina filifer Gobiidae 279 85% 9 329 bits (178) 6e-88 NC_063546
21 Inpaichthys kerri Characidae 276 86% 9 331 bits (179) 2e-88 NC_057167
22 Macroramphosus scolopax Centriscidae 259 86% 13 307 bits (166) 3e-81 NC_010265
23 Sardinella aurita Clupeidae 253 85% 7 298 bits (161) 2e-78 NC_088023
24 Sardinella brasiliensis Clupeidae 253 85% 7 298 bits (161) 2e-78 NC_088024
25 Aphyosemion coeleste Nothobranchiidae 207 92% 1 311 bits (168) 2e-82 NC_044430

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