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  Query: Cephalopholis argus | NC_022142 | GI: 533206323    Length:16767 (1..16767) 
  Selected Species Start   End  
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 Note: Click upon any displayed species to view the sequence alignment with query
S.No. Species Family Matches Identity Gaps Scores E-value Accession No.
1 Cephalopholis argus Serranidae 16767 100% 0 30963 bits (16767) 0.0 NC_022142
2 Aethaloperca rogaa Serranidae 13792 88% 64 18205 bits (9858) 0.0 NC_022141
3 Cephalopholis boenak Serranidae 13439 85% 105 16111 bits (8724) 0.0 NC_021134
4 Cephalopholis fulva Serranidae 4540 86% 68 5526 bits (2992) 0.0 NC_087987
5 Pseudogramma paucilepis Grammistini 882 85% 25 1051 bits (569) 0.0 NC_083065
6 Pontinus rathbuni Scorpaenidae 209 89% 3 291 bits (157) 3e-76 NC_083042
7 Nemipterus randalli Nemipteridae 125 87% 3 158 bits (85) 3e-36 NC_062624
8 Pennahia pawak Sciaenidae 64 86% 6 76.8 bits (41) 8e-12 NC_035942
9 Plectropomus leopardus Serranidae 52 85% 0 63.9 bits (34) 6e-08 NC_008449
10 Psenes pellucidus Nomeidae 51 91% 3 73.1 bits (39) 1e-10 NC_021619

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