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  Query: Cephalopholis boenak | NC_021134 | GI: 482651427    Length:16771 (1..16771) 
  Selected Species Start   End  
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 Note: Click upon any displayed species to view the sequence alignment with query
S.No. Species Family Matches Identity Gaps Scores E-value Accession No.
1 Cephalopholis boenak Serranidae 16771 100% 0 30971 bits (16771) 0.0 NC_021134
2 Aethaloperca rogaa Serranidae 13690 87% 71 17632 bits (9548) 0.0 NC_022141
3 Cephalopholis urodeta Serranidae 13448 85% 96 16207 bits (8776) 0.0 NC_030057
4 Cephalopholis miniata Serranidae 13444 85% 92 16211 bits (8778) 0.0 NC_060350
5 Cephalopholis argus Serranidae 13437 85% 101 16111 bits (8724) 0.0 NC_022142
6 Cephalopholis leopardus Serranidae 13430 85% 90 16142 bits (8741) 0.0 NC_065827
7 Cephalopholis sonnerati Serranidae 13429 85% 80 16157 bits (8749) 0.0 NC_022143
8 Cephalopholis spiloparaea Serranidae 13429 85% 92 16127 bits (8733) 0.0 NC_065828
9 Cephalopholis sexmaculata Serranidae 13425 85% 89 16103 bits (8720) 0.0 NC_024100
10 Cephalopholis taeniops Serranidae 13403 85% 84 16020 bits (8675) 0.0 NC_086959
11 Epinephelus merra Serranidae 6179 85% 63 7444 bits (4031) 0.0 NC_022509
12 Epinephelus flavocaeruleus Serranidae 4664 85% 66 5531 bits (2995) 0.0 NC_068783
13 Cephalopholis fulva Serranidae 4595 87% 50 5903 bits (3196) 0.0 NC_087987
14 Pseudogramma paucilepis Grammistini 892 86% 30 1103 bits (597) 0.0 NC_083065
15 Variola louti Serranidae 881 85% 23 1051 bits (569) 0.0 NC_022138
16 Variola albimarginata Serranidae 880 85% 23 1050 bits (568) 0.0 NC_022139
17 Ambloplites rupestris Centrarchidae 173 91% 2 255 bits (138) 9e-66 NC_035659
18 Psenes pellucidus Nomeidae 56 92% 2 84.2 bits (45) 5e-14 NC_021619
19 Chelmon rostratus Chaetodontidae 48 92% 0 75.0 bits (40) 3e-11 NC_025953

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