A database of hypoxia responsive genes in fishes
  Gene details for the gene Transferrin-a (Gene Id: 30255  Symbol: tfa)

Danio rerio     [Zebra danio, Zebrafish, Anju]     Family:Cyprinidae    Habitat: Freshwater    Conservation status (2015): Least Concern (LC)
Occurrence and distribution Native: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal
Introduced: Japan, Sri Lanka, Philippines, USA, Colombia, Martinique
Systematics Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Cypriniformes; Cyprinidae; Salmophasia.
Refseq information: 2
SNo. Status RNA nucleotide accession Protein accession Genomic nucleotide accession Start position on genomic DNA End position on genomic DNA Orientation Assembly Symbol UniProtkb ID
1 SUPPRESSED NM_001015057.1 - - 0 0  (0) ? - tfa Q6P3G0
2 VALIDATED NM_001291499.1 NP_001278428.1 NC_007113.7 16780633 16792176  (11543) + Reference GRCz1 tfa Q6P3G0
mRNA analysis Promoter analysis of gene: Primere design of mRNA:
Similarity search : Analysis of homologous transcript:
PubMed links
11435403 11731487 12477932 15108321 15732137 15902304 16079152 16109975 16322560 16490192 16630661 16631158 17084657 17289917 17804254 17884332 17945029 18095340 18248185 18455246 18585699 18602103 18635606 18971206 19011686 19047682 19127516 19201949 19304954 20011517 20044811 20430021 21052758 21283739 21873635 22155693 22219376 22489616 22537488 22982668 23341543 23349717 23412571 23413775 23427857 23697887 23790486 23939298 24317228 24341334 24341765 24388745 24394404 24395442 24530296 24611545 25294126 25548877 25866969 26015096 26327813 26414925 26441656 26469318 26657776 26884397 27189481 27474396 27538710 27562099 28062374 28076796 28252024 28263819 28300160 28628668 28982700 29248853 29757947 29871925 29909292 30392910 30515132 30904762 30925289 30992706 31158555 31301631 31349543 32094353 32113105 32151677 32446740 33163496
GO Term: 14
SNo.Reported in speceisEvidenceQualifierGO termCategory PubMed Link
1Danio rerioIEAlocated_inextracellular regionComponentNot available
2Danio rerioIBAis_active_extracellular spaceComponent21873635
3Danio rerioIEAlocated_inextracellular spaceComponentNot available
4Danio rerioIBAis_active_early endosomeComponent21873635
5Danio rerioIBAis_active_plasma membraneComponent21873635
6Danio rerioIEAacts_upstrion transportProcessNot available
7Danio rerioIBAinvolved_iiron ion transportProcess21873635
8Danio rerioIMPacts_upstriron ion transportProcess19047682
9Danio rerioIDAacts_upstrresponse to bacteriumProcess17804254
10Danio rerioIBAinvolved_iantibacterial humoral responseProcess21873635
11Danio rerioIMPacts_upstrhemoglobin biosynthetic processProcess19047682
12Danio rerioIEAenablesmetal ion bindingFunctionNot available
13Danio rerioIBAis_active_recycling endosomeComponent21873635
14Danio rerioIEAacts_upstriron ion homeostasisProcessNot available

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