_______________________________________________________________________________ DESCRIPTION: Tool for the identification and localization of (I) all canonical Hypoxia-Response Elements (HRE) (II) all functional HRE (localization of Hypoxia-Anciliary Sequences (HAS) towards downstream from HRE on spaces of 7-15 nt) PROGRAM EXECUTION: #perl HREFinder.pl Single file in FASTA format containing the sequence(s). EXAMPLE: #perl misa.pl PATH/sequence.fasta or #perl misa.pl PATH/sequence.txt OUTPUT This program generates three output files in the working directory with the prefix of the file name of the input sequence 'sequence_AllMinedHRE.txt' contains all identified HRE in both strands 'sequence_FunctionalHRE.txt' contains all predicted functional HRE in both strands 'sequence_HREFrequencyTable.txt' contains all frequencies of HRE distribution in every 500 nt consecutive fragment set of supplied sequences Test The 'TestDataSet' directory contains input sequence files which were used in test studies The 'ResultsTestDataSet' directory contains output files of all example input sequences **The user provided query sequences in the HREFinder are being considered the forward strand sequences