General information |
Pimelodella meeki Eigenmann, 1910 | ||
Common name | Mandi | |
Synonyms |
Pimelodella eigenmanni Meek, 1905 |
IUCN Red List status (2014) | Not Reported |
Habitat | Freshwater |
Systematics |
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Ostariophysi; Siluriformes; Heptapteridae. |
Geographical distribution | Brazil |
Occurrence | Endemic: Brazil |
Importance | Food |
Remarks | Nil |
Karyological information |
Geographical area of study | Tibagi River at Limoeiro; Couro do Boi River (CB); Gabriel da Cunha River, Brazil | |
Source of chromosomes | Not reported |
Number of specimens with sex | 84 (26 males; 16 females; 01 unidentified) |
Diploid chromosome number | 46 |
Karyotype formula | 30M+12SM+4ST |
Fundamental arm number | 92 |
Chromosome length | Not reported |
Sex chromosome | Not reported |
Chromosome staining/banding/FISH | AgNORs were located at terminal regions of the short arm of an SM pair; CMA3 evidenced bright signals coincident with the AgNORs; The FITC signals appeared on one single chromosome pair, and no detectable polymorphism was observed between homologue chromosomes |
Reference(s) |
Vidotto AP, Swarca AC, Fenocchio AS, Dias AL (2003). Cytogenetic Studies in Three Pimelodella meeki Populations (Pisces, Pimelodidae) from Tibagi River Basin (Brazil). Journal of Heredity, 95(6):517-520. |