General information |
Apistogramma borellii (Regan, 1906) | ||
Common name | Umbrella cichlid, Cará | |
Synonyms |
Heterogramma borellii Regan, 1906 Apistogramma borelli (Regan, 1906) Heterogramma ritense Haseman, 1911 Heterogramma rondoni Miranda Ribeiro, 1918 Apistogramma aequipinnis Ahl, 1938 |
IUCN Red List status (2014) | Not Reported |
Habitat | Freshwater |
Systematics |
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi; Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Euteleostei; Neoteleostei; Acanthomorpha; Acanthopterygii; Percomorpha; Perciformes; Cichlidae. |
Geographical distribution | Brazil; Argentina |
Occurrence | Native: Brazil, Argentina |
Importance | Ornamental |
Remarks | Traumatogenic to humans |
Karyological information |
Geographical area of study | Comprida lagoon, Aquidauana, MS, Brazil | |
Source of chromosomes | Kidney |
Number of specimens with sex | 5 |
Diploid chromosome number | 46 |
Karyotype formula | 16m/sm+30st/a |
Fundamental arm number | Not reported |
Chromosome length | Not reported |
Sex chromosome | Not detected |
Chromosome staining/banding/FISH | Nil |
Reference(s) |
Poletto AB, Ferreira IA, Cabral-de-Mello DC, Nakajima RT, Mazzuchelli J, Ribeiro HB, Venere PC, Nirchio M, Kocher TD, Martins C (2010). Chromosome differentiation Patterns During Cichlid Fish Evolution. BMC Genetics, 11: 50. |
Karyology remarks | ||