ASHAA Computing Resources
Database Information
HRGfish contains hypoxia responsive genes reported in fishes.

FMiR contains whole mitogenome information of species.

FishMicrosat contains SSR sequences in species.

FBIS contains DNA barcode records on species.

Fish Karyome contains karyological records on species.

News & Events
Welcome to FisOmics  

Advancements in the agricultural biotechnology over few decades have changed the way of research and working pattern of scientists and researchers involved in analysing the genomic data using variety of computational tools. The increasing use of Information Technology in molecular biology research has opened new panoramas for evolving innovations in research and developing quality products. The ‘FisOmics’ portal, developed under the aegis of National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid (NABG) and presently managed under Centre for Agricultural Bioinformatics (CABin) Scheme, aims for providing genomic information on fish species and opens opportunities for inter disciplinary research in cross-species genomics and building in-house capacity for research and development in agricultural biotechnology and bioinformatics. The major goal of this scheme is the “Establishment of an Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid for the NARES system” through databases, data warehouse, software and tools, algorithms, genome browsers and high-end computational facilities. The experimentation in different sectors of agriculture and the knowledge generated from these experiments will,no doubt, add the values to evolve internationally superior competitive varieties/ breeds/ commodities in agriculture.

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