Top 10 Barcode Families
Family Species
Cyprinidae[ 186 ]
Serranidae[ 64 ]
Gobiidae[ 61 ]
Labridae[ 58 ]
Carangidae[ 57 ]
Pomacentridae[ 48 ]
Lutjanidae[ 45 ]
Sisoridae[ 39 ]
Blenniidae[ 34 ]
Bagridae[ 32 ]
Top 10 Fish Barcode Records
Species Specimen
Prionace glauca [ 674]
Thunnus albacares [ 447]
Mugil cephalus [ 444]
Sphyrna lewini [ 396]
Channa striata [ 344]
Coryphaena hippurus [ 340]
Oncorhynchus mykiss [ 339]
Oreochromis niloticus [ 336]
Neotrygon kuhlii [ 330]
Sillago sihama [ 304]
Taxonomy browser

*  The square bracket holds number of species belonging to each corresponding taxon
Phylum Chordata Echinodermata Mollusca Arthropoda
  1. Actinopterygii [ 1754 ]
  2. Elasmobranchii [ 113 ]
  1. Asteroidea [ 1 ]
  1. Bivalvia [ 4 ]
  2. Gastropoda [ 5 ]
  1. Malacostraca [ 9 ]
Order Family    [Species]